

我司的电脑以及设计硬件设施已经进行第五次更新了,现在的设备不但美观更加快捷,为设计人员提供了更好的硬件环境,同时也提高了大家的工作效率,为公司的迅速发展掀起新的篇章! Computers upgrade! Computers and hardware facilities have been renewed five generation . the existing equipments are not only advanced but also quickly, proving a better hardware environment for designers. Because of high efficiency ,our company will gain great development in future. 劳逸结合,提高工作效率 设计人员长时间坐在电脑前进行设计工作,脑力劳动量庞大,这就要求大家有强健的 身体。之前我司为丰富大家的业余生活也为促进大家锻炼身体,配备了相关的运动设备如篮球羽毛球等,现在在设计部的西北角建立了休闲天地,在劳累之余,大家可前去小坐,喝茶聊天,荡秋千或是极目远眺,从而劳逸结合,使工作效率更上一层楼。 Great break, better working efficiency Designers have to work for a long tome with computers. A huge mental labor needs a strong and healthy body. Our company has provided some sports equipments such as basketball badminton. recently we have another relax place in the north of design office, tea table ,swing, and good view ,designers can have a great break from hard working, then get better efficiency. 实地考察,提供优质设计 本周二下午,我司组织设计人员前往建材市场,了解施工时所需材料的规格,形式和价格。而我司的两位外籍涉及社会也为见识了中国特色的材料而兴奋不已。公司计划以后定期组织员工进行实地考察,了解市场行情,采用优质材料,达到令客户满意的效果。 Site investigation for perfect concept Our designers went to material market this Tuesday to know the style ,size and price of the construction materials . Our two American designers felt excited to see Chinese character material. The company decided to investigate site and market to know latest news for provide our clients with a perfect plan.